Love Auntie Lan

Created by Wendy 11 years ago
My dearest / Gorgeous Cameron Cameron was a typical child growing up, he got in to all sorts of scrapes and mischief, then as Cameron got older his little world was tipped upside down, he was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. To handle, Aspergers, being a teenager, girls, exams, school, and general life, unfortunately was too much pressure for his beautiful mind to bear. I watched you grow inside your mother, I watched as you became a young boy, I watched as you were turning in to a young man. My watching days are over now Cameron, this is where you take over. Watch over us all now Cameron. Make sure George eats his tea, and goes to bed on time, make sure Jamie is safe and he eats his tea. Just a few things I remember about Cameron: 3 years old helping the sky man wire up sky, and you were right. Burnt Fish fingers, I set them on fire, when I was looking after Jamie and Cameron, and I flipped them over so they didn’t see they were burnt, but Jamie flipped one and said I’m not eating them and then Cameron did the same. I was gutted I had to make something else, well the chip shop did. Nail polish over your mum’s living room, I had a frantic call from your mum saying what you had just done. I shot round there to find you in the bath covered from head to foot in all the colours under the sun of nail polish. I couldn’t help but laugh when I pulled you out of the bath and wrapped you in a towel. The toilet on the plane when we flew to Corfu and you ran out with your trousers around your ankles because the flush scared you that much. You ran down the aisle of the plane screaming, I grabbed hold of you and held you until you stopped shaking. The plane was laughing so much you started to giggle too. Teaching you to dive on holiday, and then you had me and your mum in hysterics, because you created your own kind of diving, you were so funny. The more we laughed the more you wanted to dive, you just wanted to make us laugh. You loved to play with Lego, the creations you created were out of this world. Cameron and I had a 30 second rule, I would always tap my watch when I saw him and “say it’s been 30 seconds and you still haven’t hugged and kissed me”. He would run over and throw is arms around me and kiss me and always say I love you aunty Lan. Even when he was with his friends he still came over to me in Ashton and cuddled me. He then had the 30 second rule, he would say it to me, I remember saying I thought you were getting to old now for kisses and cuddles and he said “never” Auntie Lan was the first thing he called me, because he couldn’t say my name as a baby and it just stuck. I have certainly had some laughs with Cameron. My heart goes out to Wendy, Jamie, George and Mark, Barbara and David and all Cameron’s family. The sorrow and the hole you have left in our hearts is too much to bear. I can’t believe we all have to say goodbye to you forever, you are with the angels now my beautiful boy, fly and be free. We will never know why you left us, all I know now is, that you are missed by everyone who knew you, everyone who loved you and you will never, never be forgotten. With lots of Love and Kisses my Gorgeous, Gorgeous Boy From Aunty Lan Your number one Fan xxx